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Sunday, March 22, 2020



1. What is the difference between custom.pll and form personalization.

2. How do you create data links in XML Publish reports in Data definition XML.

3. If you want to find duplicate records in forms without saving data how do you do it?

4. What is bulk collect and bulk exceptions

5. What are all the triggers in the forms

6. What is the significance of  application name in AOL Executable

7.What happens when you freeze and unfreeze flexfields.

8. How do you create notifications using workflow builder.

9. How do you removed empty pages that are appearing in the XML publisher report ouput.

10.What are the available triggers in report builder.

11. Explain the steps for creating the the master details layout using oracle report builder.

12. Name few API's for import programs in AR and AP modules.


1.what are 3 way matching in p2p cycle.

2.What are the accounting entries at each stage of p2p cycle.

3.What are different types of accruals in GL.

4.Can you create invoice without creating manually ,when you have PO.

5. How do you close a receivable transaction.

6.Can we run create accounting with draft multiple times, how does entries get affected in XLA tables , will the data get deleted or updated.

7.Explain the highlevel structure of multi org.

Thursday, March 12, 2020





 Viruses are neither living nor non-living, they lie in the intermediate state of life. They cannot be classified as life or non-life, hence they have a special class dedicated to them; VIRUS.

 Viruses cannot be grouped since they can do practically nothing unless they enter a host cell. They completely manipulate the functioning of the cell and turn them into virus-making machines. 

  Currently, there is a CORONAVIRUS pandemic which is claiming  the lives of thousands of people across the globe and is inspiring fear among many. 

It has gripped the attention of the entire world. The reason why coronavirus is so dangerous is that it has an incubation period of 14 days, and people unknowingly spread the virus through physical contact during this period.


 Additionally there is no known cure for the virus, no antibiotics would work since antibiotics are meant to kill only bacteria and the body would be completely unaware of the virus attack until symptoms start showing up. 

Fortunately the mortality rate is a mere 3.8 percent, and your body must gradually build resistance to the virus.


 Although there is no known cure for the virus, we can take precautions such as 

  • Washing hands frequently.
  • Avoiding physical contact.
  • Maintaining 2-3 feet distance while people sneeze and prevent mingling with people with any symptoms of COVID19.
  •  The virus is extremely deadly and it is so efficient in taking complete control over the body.


  •  Face masks will do very less, if anything to protect us. 
  •  We cannot always conclude a mild fever to any virus infection.
  •  Sitting under sun would not kill any Virus.
  •  As mentioned Antibiotics will not to do any good for Virus.

If the precautionary measures mentioned are followed and a hygienic life is pursued you will be safe from the not only corona virus but any virus.

Workflow Queries to debug the Errors

Execute Below query to identify the errors why the workflow is struck  SELECT    workflowitemeo.item_type,    workflowitemeo.item_key,    wo...