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Wednesday, November 16, 2022

How to select the minimum row or the first row num or row with minimum value in an SQL query

 select 'person_id:'||ppx.person_id

from per_people_x                   ppx

,    fnd_lookup_values_vl           flv

,    gl_code_combinations           gcc

,    ap_invoice_lines_all           aila    

,    ap_invoice_distributions_all   aid

where 1=1

and aid.distribution_line_number=1

and   ppx.person_id                = TO_NUMBER(flv.attribute1)

and   flv.lookup_type              = 'TEST'

and   flv.lookup_code              = gcc.segment3

and   aila.invoice_id              = aid.invoice_id

and   gcc.code_combination_id      = aid.dist_code_combination_id  

and   aid.line_type_lookup_code    = 'ITEM'

and   aila.discarded_flag           = 'N'

and   flv.ENABLED_FLAG             = 'Y'

and   aila.invoice_id               = :transactionId


order by aila.line_number asc FETCH FIRST 1 ROW ONLY

 How to direct the outputfile of the concurrent request to unix server path using XMLP Bursting  ORACLE APPS. Step 1: In the DATA XML defini...