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Wednesday, October 7, 2020

BI Publisher report in R12 Oracle Apps is not calling BeforeReport or AfterReport triggers

            Problem: The BI Publisher report when run is not calling the beforeReport or afterReport triggers                                   Eventhough the data xml contains call of these procedures

dataTemplate name="MAILORD_REP" defaultPackage="EMAIL_PKG" version="1.0">


<property name="xml_tag_case" value="upper" />

<property name="debug_mode" value="on" />



<sqlStatement name="S_ORDERS">


SELECT cwp.order_number, oe.orig_sys_document_ref 


FROM   oe_order_headers_all oe

WHERE 1 = 1

AND   oe.org_id =745

AND   oe.order_number = cwp.order_number

AND cwp.status = 'ERROR'


ORDER BY cwp.date_sent DESC




<dataTrigger name="beforeReport" source="EMAIL_PKG.beforereport" />


<group name="G_ORDERS" source="S_ORDERS">

<element name="ORDER_NUMBER"                     value="ORDER_NUMBER"/>

<element name="ORIG_SYS_DOCUMENT_REF"            value="ORIG_SYS_DOCUMENT_REF"/>

<element name="CURRENCY_CODE"                    value="CURRENCY_CODE"/>

<element name="AMOUNT"                           value="AMOUNT"/>

<element name="DATE_SENT"                     value="DATE_SENT"/>



<dataTrigger name="afterReport" source="EMAIL.afterReport" />


The log file of the concurrent program does not show any log messages added in beforereport and afterreport triggers.

The program is ending normal and the log file is not showing any errors also.

Solution: The reason for not calling any report triggers are because of the missing parameter declaration in the package specification.

You should define all the parameters defined for the concurrent program and token names with the same name in the package specification .

Issue will be resolved

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